Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (AIFD) was established in 2003, by research-based pharmaceutical companies operating in Türkiye, with the objective of leading the development of a dynamic pharmaceutical industry by enabling Turkish people access new and original drugs on a timely and sustainable manner and increasing the global competitiveness of our country in the field of medical/pharmaceutical Research and Development. AIFD pursues its activities through its head office in Istanbul and its representative office in Ankara.

AIFD members focus their efforts on innovation, with the awareness that innovative and original products, developed upon benefiting from the opportunities offered in various fields, such as biogenetics, by the rapidly advancing medical science in our era, extend longevity of humans, enhance their quality of life and generate a value for the society. They work on the basis of integrity, transparency and accountability. AIFD members strive to fulfill all their responsibilities towards the society, placing a priority on the enhancement of the quality of life of Turkish people and presenting solutions to their health conditions.

Our Vision

To act as a “solution partner” for the healthcare sector and government in Turkey with regard to the difficulties encountered in healthcare, by providing “innovative therapeutic solutions”

Our Mission

To contribute to the healthcare sector in Turkey, by enhancing access to “innovative” products, technology and information in the Turkish medical field and creating an “ethical and transparent” environment in the healthcare sector.